My words, they fall in the gap
between your heart and mine
they slip through the hole
between the kingdom that is
and the kingdom that comes,
they fall like spent lead,
from a gun in the hands of a child
struggling to make his mark.

And yet, they are all I have
to touch your heart, your mind,
all I possess to bridge the chasm
between your soul and mine,
between where we are
and where we want to be:
the kingdom that is
and the kingdom that comes,
where we shall be one,
no longer seeking, but found,
no longer needing, but loved,
(yes, we shall be love!)

when we shall sit at that table
drink the pure wine of all grace
eat the bread of full presence
knowing as we are known.
it is a secret, it is a mystery
but in the twinkling of an eye,
in a moment of time
we’ll see and we’ll know,
and words will no longer wound
with their clumsy imperfection
but we’ll be healed
as our hearts touch
and our minds embrace
at the table of our God.

by Kristin Jack, who lived with his family for 17 years in Cambodia. From his book Poetry and Prophecy
