Rest in peace Abu Bakr, 7. Passed away on 4 December 2024 after being in a coma for 48 hours, following a fall from the second floor. This poem is in memory of him.

Theological reflections are my own and do not necessarily represent a Servants position.

You fell

Plummeting to the hard embrace

of concrete, on your tender face.

Your mother’s anguished prayer

could not save your broken head.

Your father’s determined care

did little. Now you’re dead.

You fell

And in that fall I see

the fate of all humanity.

You fell because we fell, long years ago.

Did the creator make the world ill?

A place where children die young? No!

Wars, famine, disease are not Allah’s will.

You fell

Because we left the garden

We allowed hearts to harden

Taking lives we could not give

Breaking what we could not heal

So on this groaning earth we live

A world of guns, of germs, of steel

You fell

Because you climbed the roof

Your limbs were strong but mind aloof

So into the precipice you fell.

And so might we, unless we learn.

To share. To care. To live well.

I hope we do. Else, we burn.