There will come a dawn,
when the years those leeches ate,
precious child-dreams destroyed,
will fill your eyes once more,
and you will learn to trust again,
for you are your Father’s daughter,
your precious name written on his hand.
There will come a dawn,
with justice in its rays,
you will run from plywood prison cage
to the high courts of your Lord,
where every hope they stole and broke
will be returned to you in full.
In that place of light,
your eyes will shine
as you walk upright
without a hint of bowing to their shame,
for you’ll know Love, as Love knows you,
in a kingdom where beauty grows from pain,
his jealous love will guard your heart
and restore your forgotten, sacred name.
That dawn will come,
that day will come,
that day is coming soon.
by Kristin Jack, from his book Poetry and Prophecy