[h4a]Harmful Charity[/h4a]

In this hilarious video, Tripp and Tyler start their own revolutionary one-for-one charity campaign: smoothie machines for the poor. We may recognize the satirical intent of this short video, yet the reality is that often times, our efforts as Christians to work for the positive transformation of communities actually causes more harm than good.

Knowing this, in Servants, every new missionary intentionally holds off starting any programs or ministries for at least their first year. Instead, we ask our workers to spend this time focusing on learning the language and building relationships with their neighbors, on learning the culture and history of their location, and on thinking about what community development could mean in that unique context.


[h4a]To Learn More About Community Development Check Out These Resources:[/h4a]

7 Worst Dev Ideas Community Development Best Practices Cummunity Development 101
