Bamboo, the theme that wove through Forum, was an image and metaphor for myself and for Servants. On the first evening, as we moved from one group to another, I was struck with the flexibility within structure. We were sent in organised groups to the first of 6 different activities and, after this first group, we chose where we went next. The young Filipino Lilok staff facilitated our activities as we got to know others and have fun. The activity of bamboo weaving was again freedom within structure. The instruction to use the bamboo lengths to create a basket allowed for creativity, innovation and at times frustrated sighs, sharing ideas and groaning or celebrating together !!
Throughout the days of Forum I continued to work on that basket, eventually finishing something that acted as a container. While being a bit rough around the edges, it was unique to anyone else’s creation, while having the same raw materials as everyone else’s.
A lot like me really. Forum enlarged me, helped me container new relationships; new experiences of beautiful cultures different from my own; a range of emotions; a sense of being ‘home’ ; and yes I was and am a bit rough around the edges, unique to anyone else and yet with so much in common.
Servants also reflects these ideas. Forum was a container where a group of unique people, a bit rough around the edges came and shared their desire to see God’s Kingdom come on earth particularly amongst the urban poor. We heard expressions of this from Indonesia, India, Philippines, Switzerland, Australia, NZ, England, America. As each area shared their story we heard prayers in every language raised to give God glory and ask for his wisdom, direction and strengthening. It felt like a glimpse of heaven. We were indeed on holy ground.
There were many joys for me during Forum including the rich reciprocal sharing from so many cultures and perspectives, hearing stories and connecting at the heart level as I made new friends, having fun in the pool, over meals and during free time, being encouraged to continue to motivate others to be involved with Servants at any level, and especially to go and live with the urban poor to see how God transforms all of us.
Thank you Patrick from the Manila team for the story of the chinese bamboo which resonated so strongly with me. Sometimes it takes years to water and care for some seeds that seemingly show no growth above ground. During this time we plant faster growing crops to sustain us. Then one day, after many years the growth that has been dormant springs into being and a life-changing rapid growth takes place. One that provides for generations. We are persistent in the watering and care and God will bring the growth in the right time.
Thankyou and Arohanui to the organising team in Manila who gave so much time and energy in preparation and logistics, making for a smooth and amazing week. 🙂
Shannon Mawdsley
NZ Coordinator