Current Prayer Prompts
Welcome to our monthly summary of current points for prayer, submitted by our teams in Asia. The name is taken from Rom 12:12 – Rejoice in hope, endure in suffering, persist in prayer.
For a fuller list of points for prayer, you can subscribe to our monthly prayer letter by writing to Anne (info[at]servantsasia.org).
Other than the team-specific points mentioned below, please pray for our two big events coming up in Philippines during January:
Forum and Orientation Community
It is time again, we are organizing the next Servants Forum January 19-23, 2024. An international committee with several of us is planning the program and all logistics. Please join our prayer:
- for the Forum to be meaningful for all
- that we will be inspired about how to follow Jesus among the poor in our respective places, and
- for stimulation how to sustain ourselves, the Servants vision and our faith.
Also in January, before Forum, a Servants Orientation Community for new workers will run in Manila. We appreciate prayers
- for the eleven people planning to attend, for it to be a significant time of learning and discernment, meeting with God and with a variety of people from Servants, and
- for the facilitators as they prepare, and for all logistics to happen smoothly
- Praise God that through Streetbelievers (where Patrick is involved) 2 beneficiaries (Sam + Ricky) were recently reconciled to their families, and able to move back to their home towns, away from street-life in Manila.
- Give thanks along with Mani for the spirit of helping one another that she is seeing in the community. There is a hopeful sense of the Lord moving in the community.
- Pray for sales of “Helping Bayong” products, so that excess stock can become much needed income for the weavers.
- Thank God for good healing and recovery for several of Rachel’s friends who were sick – keep praying for Shaolin’s eyes, for Taki’s lung condition and for Anacel, who is recovering from a stroke.
- Please pray for our two interns, Isaac* and Yasmin*. Pray that they would have a meaningful internship experience. Pray for good relationships with host families and language tutors. Pray for God to meet them in their time here.
- Pray for Dila* as she is in her home village for a month, 3-days’ journey away. Pray for safety and for good reconnecting with her family and home community. It has been over two years since she saw her family.
- Pray for House of Hope, for all of our students and their families. Pray for the four women from the neighborhood who teach with us.
- Pray for Abraham*, as he is still living with his sister and mom in another city. Pray for continued health and recovery.
Would you consider committing to 30 days of prayer for Jakarta? Check out or download the beautiful “Shalom” prayer guide.
- some action from government officials toward opening an aanganwadi (learning and feeding centre for kids) nearby
- weight gain and better health for several young women who have had extensive TB. Three young women have even re-enrolled in school after a long break.
- praise God that our local project team is able to join in 10 days of government-organised slum surveys, aiming to find and test people with TB symptoms.
- Pray for Heena, one of our literacy teachers, who has a very difficult home situation and needs more income to support herself, her young son, and her disabled sister.
- Pray for Prem who has tongue cancer and is in very poor health. His wife already died a few years ago, and he lives with his 3 young sons in a small hut without electricity. Pray for a miracle of complete healing. Also pray that available treatment will bring relief and better health, and extend his life, especially for the sake of his boys.
- Pray for Miriam* and Nathan*, and 5 year old Shakeena*, as they prepare for their big transition back to life in USA early next year. Pray especially that they find an intentional Christian community to join, serving in a marginalized community.
- Pray for Carol who is in Phnom Penh without the rest of the team at the moment – for supportive relationships with local friends, for good health, and continued progress in language and ministry.
- Give thanks for Eunice and Myra enjoying time with family and friends in the Philippines. Pray for their refreshment and encouragement, as they participate in Forum in January before returning to Cambodia.
Thank You
Thank you for all your prayers to our amazing God!
Answers to prayer
Last month we prayed for a lot of different people and issues – some are mentioned again above. Here are a few more answers to our prayers:
- (India) Anas* and Aliya* have adjusted really well to life in the slum, and doing very well at learning language;
- (India) Shivani is continuing her TB treatment, and her health has improved a lot in the past month;
- (Indonesia) the two interns Isaac* and Yasmin* have arrived and settled in well, and are learning Bahasa and adding fresh energy to the team;
- (Indonesia) after more than three months of no rain, contributing to increasing pollution levels, praise God that rain has come! This has brought relief to the dry dusty conditions, and cleaner air.
For more background and resources for prayer, see our Prayer Partners page.
* name changed for security reasons