Virtual Visit
The new Cambodia team have been on the ground for just over two months now, and they have loads to share. First impressions, new relationships, learning language, and adjusting to so much new about everyday life!
Join Carol, Myra and Eunice on-line for an update on their first two months in Phnom Penh, including photos of their new life there, and time to pray for the team.
Bring along your questions – what has been most enjoyable? or most challenging? Who are some of the people you’ve met? What is your accommodation like? What do you most miss about home in Manila? It will be a great opportunity to learn about life in Phnom Penh, and connect personally with the team.
You can read more about the team, on their team page, and if you want to explore joining the team, please get in touch with your nearest Linking Team who will get you connected.
Please join us by Zoom on Friday 24th June, at 2pm Cambodian time (click here to see when that is, in your timezone).
Write to events[at]servantsasia.org and Mark will send you the zoom link.
[Khmer alphabet image courtesy of https://oppidanlibrary.com/khmer-alphabet-chart-collection/]