Neighbourhood kids chorus Hi Hi Hi
The weird white auntie is passing by
A mystery of human soul and heart
For them such fun day in day out
is my wounded pride and growing self doubt
my fragile inner peace is torn apart.
I bring good news, can’t they see?
I lay bare my self to set them free!
Do they really reject or merely mock?
Oh how I detest being a laughing stock.
The One I follow has been here before
Abandoned by those He lived His life for
Crushed by the system He lived to redeem
They stripped, whipped, laughed and spat
You let Your Self absorb all that
Returned love, still living the dream.
You bring Good News I can see,
You lay Your Self bare to set me free
When they really reject or merely mock
Make me a more gracious laughing stock.
[Ruby has lived amongst the urban poor in India for many years with her husband and two sons.]