[by Shannon, International Coordination Team]

One of the joys of Servants is meeting together to encourage each other in our journey with the poor – to play together and pray together. Before Covid we did this at our international gathering ‘Forum’ every 2-3 years. Forum helped to sustain our work and share the good news of Gods’ movement among us with others. Some have shared how Forum even inspired them to relocate and join a team.

As the world opened up after the pandemic, we discussed our next Forum.

When would it be? Which country was best to host the event? How could it be as inclusive as possible? Who had energy and skills to co-ordinate? How could we include as many voices as possible in the decision-making process? How could we pay attention to our principle of simplicity and still host an event that offered a respite for our workers?

Simplicity AND Celebration

Many discussions were held, and many options were considered.

The venue was finally decided – a more expensive option than some were comfortable with. We listened closely to those volunteering to organize and wanted to hear their need for a true break, rather than attend a more familiar, cheaper venue.

As a result, one major issue was how the avoid cost of this venue limiting who may be able to come. The idea of a subsidy for those who had less funds was suggested. But how would these ‘subsidised’ people feel, knowing they had contributed less? Further, how would this subsidy affect the power balance between us all?

Miriam from the India team suggested a very low, flat rate for everyone. This would still be a stretch for those from poorer areas, but very easy for those from wealthier areas. Then those that could afford more could pay more. This ‘pay what you can’ idea is based on each person’s ability to pay and is a variation of what some call ‘the gift economy’.

Risk AND Trust

This felt like new territory for us, so we discussed it with all our teams and asked for their ideas. There emerged an excited yes from some teams and a tentative yes from others. The risk of making a huge (up to US$10,000) loss and covering this from limited funds was a definite possibility we needed to be prepared for. But we prayed, and in faith, decided we wanted to trust God and try.

The cost for each person at Forum was between $US115 – $US184 depending on accommodation preference. The collective decision was made to set the flat rate at $US20 per person. We wanted to clearly inform everyone in Servants about this this new approach. Here is what we shared to the community:

Costs for Forum

Apart from Forum usually being a terrific way for many folk to reconnect in a relaxed way, it has also been a valuable way for those curious about Servants to hear stories, meet people, and get a sense of what we’re about. Therefore, we are eager to make this Forum as accessible as possible to all, regardless of ability to pay. In order for cost not to be a barrier to anyone wanting to come to Forum, we have set a small flat fee of US$20, regardless of how many nights you stay, where you are coming from, and what type of accommodation you choose. If contributing even that amount would still be a genuine barrier, you’re welcome to get in touch with us for further financial support. Of course, this very low price doesn’t cover anywhere near the full price of Forum, so if you have capacity, there’s information below about how to pay as generously as you are able.

An Invitation to help subside Forum 2024

FYI, the full cost of Forum is:

  • For a family air-conditioned room: $46 USD per person per day, (2550 Philipino peso daily), so $184 for four days
  • For a bed in a non-AC dorm room that fits 12 people: $29 USD per person per day, (1600 Philipino peso daily), so $115 for four days

This means that, on average, the cost is $37 per day per person. Assuming 80 people attend Forum (and half stay in AC rooms and half in dorms) that would be a total cost of US$11,900 for the 4 days. The $20 flat fee would only bring in $US1,600. Thus we’re taking the risk of needing to take a significant chunk from Vision Fund to cover any shortfall. However, we do this in faith that those who have abundant resources may contribute more.  So our request to all who have capacity, (even if you can’t come to Forum at all), is to consider giving generously (without resentment) above the $20 flat fee. On the Payment Page there is an option to pay whatever you want above the $20 minimum. The more those of us with financial capacity are able to subside Forum, the less we will need to use Vision Fund reserves. Thanks!

We felt the response to ‘the gift economy’ approach fitted well with our relational and community values. As this information was shared, when it came time to actually pay, we had the full range of responses from around the world. People who were not able to attend Forum contributed money so others could; some could not afford the $20 so received extra help, often from within their country/team; some attending paid more than the stated cost; some paid the flat-rate of $20. The beauty was the freedom given to everyone, to give what they could, generously – without resentment, without judgement, and with no knowledge of who gave what. This was a community coming together so everyone could participate – a tangible, visible way to show our commitment to equity.

And the result?

When all the expenses (about US$13,000) were paid, there was $US1000 left in the bank. So rather than our generosity and risk-taking costing us money, it turned out just fine.

Remember this:

Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written:

“They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; and their righteousness endures forever.”

2 Corinthians 9:6-9 (NIV)