Internships in Asia
Internships with Servants Teams in Asia
An internship with Servants is probably quite different to any other short term mission exposure you have experienced before. This is because the emphasis is not so much on what you DO but on what you LEARN. The intention is that for a few weeks or months, living with a local family in a poor community, you will make a deep connection with the urban poor and allow God to open up a space in you to hear him afresh. This will occur not in a quiet garden or at the beach, but in a noisy, vibrant, cramped slum.
The focus needs to be on coming as a learner. This can sound indulgent because you want to be able to “give” to the people who have great need and being a learner seems to be only “taking”! However, simply being with people and showing them the respect of learning from them is giving them a huge amount.
It is an irony, but true nonetheless, that God is most often found in the places where we would least expect him. And when he wants to make himself visible, it is invariably in something “powerless” or weak or poor: like a baby in a stinking stable, or amongst the naked, the prisoners, the hungry and thirsty (Matt 25:31‑46).
We hope your experience living in a slum in Asia and participating in a Servants team will open up whole new ways of seeing God’s wonderful and wounded world. This new “way of seeing” is as much your objective as “doing things” while here. The focus is on being as well as doing, learning as well as giving.
Being in a challenging new environment, you will sometimes not understand a lot of what is going on within you and around you. Your emotions may erupt unpredictably, and you may begin to question things that seemed certain before. You may face things surfacing in you that make you to want to escape. But the wonderful promise of these wilderness experiences which we must all face from time to time, is that if you endure, you will begin to see God sustaining you (Lk 4: 4) and you will discover yourself to be “a beloved child of God” (Matt 3:17).
the goals of an internship
Interns in Asia live with a local host family in an urban poor community and a large part of the impact of this internship will be from your interactions with this family and the community. You are expected to eat with them most of the time and participate as you can in household activities.
In the on-field manual we have included a daily guide to assist you in ways of looking beyond the surface of what is happening in your family and community. Readings included in the manual are to stimulate your thinking with regards to poverty and its causes and our response as followers of Jesus. We have also provided you with a guided daily spiritual journal to help you find God’s place in the midst of it all. One or two of the Servants team members will be allocated to you as mentors and you will meet with them at least once a week to discuss your experiences in the community issues that have arisen from your daily journal or the readings that you are set each week.
Additionally, the team meets weekly for a meal followed by a worship/sharing time. We expect you to join us for the lunches every week and stay for the worship/sharing time every second week.
Although a big part of the program is experiencing poverty and being transformed through the process you will still have the opportunity to contribute in whatever ways you can. During the weekdays you can be involved in a variety of Servants projects depending on your skills, gifts, and passions, and the particular needs of Servants while you are here. For example, there may be a need for some research to be carried out that requires some time and energy beyond what local and Servants staff have on top of their daily life and work.
You can also contribute to the local community in other ways. For instance, you can give blood at the local blood bank. Due to dengue haemorrhagic fever, there is often a shortage of blood products and ‘clean’ blood is constantly in demand.
We are looking for applicants who have a spiritual maturity allowing them to face difficulties and learn from the experience. In part, this means we generally do not accept interns younger than 21. In addition we are seeking people who:
Due to the limited number of internships we are able to offer each year with our teams in Asia, we give priority to those who have either: previous cross-cultural experience outside of Western countries, OR past cross-cultural experience within the West (such as working with migrants or asylum seekers), OR significant experience working or living amongst marginalized people.
If you believe that you fit these criteria there is a three step process for applying:
1. Submit The Asia Internship Application Form: Complete the short online Asia-Based Internship Application Form. Once you’ve submitted this, your local Servants Sending Office will get in touch with you and will also contact the team(s) you are interested in interning with.
2. Two References: You will need to pass these reference forms on to the appropriate people: One Christian Reference should be filled out by your pastor or equivalent Christian leader in your church or ministry that knows you well, and one Work Reference to be filled in by an employer. The Servants office may also want to contact your referees to discuss your application if we have not had a past relationship with you.
3. Two Interviews: Before being approved for an internship, we’ll schedule a time for your local Servants Sending Office to interview you (in person or via Skype) and a separate time for the Field Team to talk with you via Skype. During these interviews we’ll explain more about the internship and answer any questions you may have.
Pre-field preparation is essential to making this experience as valuable as possible. Objectives for pre-field preparation are to begin to engage with issues of poverty and injustice in the world and your personal response as a follower of Jesus and learn about cultural differences, some of your own cultural biases and some tools to deal with these.
Required Preparation:
Other Suggestions For Being Well-Prepared:
valid passport & visa
Please check well in advance that you have a valid passport and that it does not expire before the end of your internship. For some countries, you can receive a tourist visa upon arrival. However, other countries require you to apply for a tourist visa in your home country. Talk with your local Servants sending office (linking team) for help on acquiring any necessary visa. Please have your passport and visas sorted out before you purchase any travel tickets. We also highly recommend you purchase travel insurance.
Before arrival on the field, you will need to send us:
Send these to the linking team which is processing your application for the internship (contact details here).
before returning home
At the end of your internship you will fill in a debriefing form and discuss your learning with a member of the field team before departure. This discussion will also include issues concerning re-entry and the importance of continued discipleship and accountability with a spiritual director, mentor or prayer partner. Goal-setting with regards to life-changes and maintaining accountable relationships is very important for making the most out of your internship.
after arriving home
Within 1 month of returning home you will meet up with the Servants mentor you met with before your internship by phone or preferably face to face. This meeting is to help you process your experiences and also to discuss goals and possible ways to continue contact with the field team, your host family and the ministries you may have been involved with. We recommend that you also debrief with your mentor within 1 month of returning home. Discuss with them creative ways you personally can live more justly. Write an article, story or poem for the Servants newsletter or website.
Life Goes On
4 to 6 months after your internship, we will follow up with you to discuss how you are integrating your experiences into life and how we may support you. It is important that you keep meeting regularly with your mentor also. Take any opportunities that come your way to encourage your church’s participation in the work of Servants or ministry to the poor in general. Staying involved with the Servants community through local events, prayer groups, email and phone contact is expected and useful to enable the long-term impact of your experience to consolidate itself.