Servants Forum 2024 is coming up!

Every few years the wider Servants community gathers somewhere in Asia for a time of connecting, catching up on each others’ lives, hearing how God has been at work, and listening to the Spirit’s lead.

After a very eventful 5 years, it is time again to invite all our workers, volunteers, old friends and new friends, to our next Servants Forum: January 19-23, 2024 at Rizal in the Philippines.

If you’ve not been to a Forum before, it’s a fun, informal, inspirational gathering of Servants and Servants-interested folk – for anyone wanting to grow in serving the poor of this world (whether or not you’re with Servants).

Please note the dates (January 19-23) in your planner.  Please tell us if you are (even contemplating) coming to our Forum by replying to events[at] by the end of August. Even if you miss the August deadline, please write to us anyway at events[at], or via any of the options on our contact page.

If you have any questions at all about Forum, also feel free to write to us at: events[at]

We’re looking forward to hearing from you and hopefully meeting you in January 2024!