Join us online to “drop in” on the Indonesia team, and hear about life and ministry there.

Lift your Eyes up

Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.’ [John 4:35, ESV]

Those in the USA (and perhaps others across the world) have been hearing so much about the impending election there. Paying attention and participating in decisions about our own people and places is important – but we can all too easily narrow our focus and lose perspective on what matters most. We fail to notice what’s happening elsewhere, other people and places dear to God’s heart.

Let’s shift our focus for a while to the slums of Jakarta: the children and teachers at House of Hope, the young women about to become mothers, the rubbish recyclers, Fina* who has just started nursing training … It’s been an eventful few months for the team in Jakarta, personally and in the neighborhood. Join other friends and supporters of the team, for stories, photos and prayer together.


Date: Saturday 2nd November, 7am in Jakarta. That will be Friday night, 1st November in North America. Click here to check the time in your location.

The meeting will be hosted on Zoom. To join us please email Mark at events[at] and he’ll gladly send you the link.

*name changed