God is doing something fresh and new within Servants, and there is an excitement in the air.
From August 7-12, a group of 12 leaders within Servants gathered in Manila to “dream and scheme” about where God is moving, and how we can best pursue our vision statement: to see the poor and their communities transformed by the power of Christ.
The group came together to discuss and discern the best ways forward for Servants as an organization. Throughout the week we looked into the key questions of where we are now, where we came from, what our main concerns are. We clarified our identity and mission, and we developed a transition plan forward. One of the key outcomes of the meeting was the decision to set-up a Servants resource hub in Manila, from where formation, training and pastoral care can happen more intentionally and more relationally. We believe the hub can address several of the challenges Servants is currently facing, including strengthening the sustainability of our small teams as well as preparing and training new people to live alongside the poor.
In addition, we made plans to invest into the sustainability of the existing field teams, build more momentum in recruiting new people, and start a nomination process for two new leaders to replace David and Daniel who step down from the International Coordination Team in the first quarter of 2017.
We would appreciate your prayers as we implement these new initiatives, and as we adjust to the changes. Also, we are actively seeking people to be involved at the hub, and on ICT. Please pray that God will nudge the right people that can lead us into this next season.
All the best,
Cathy, Daniel, and David (the Servants International Coordinating Team).