Carol, Myra and Eunice have all been back in the Philippines over Christmas to spend time with family and friends. This week they are all arriving back in Phnom Penh, to continue life and work there. So they will each have plenty to share with us, about their time in the Philippines, adjustment back in Phnom Penh, and hopes and plans for 2025.

As a little taster, if you join the on-line catch-up on Feb 27th, you might get to hear more about:

  • the mothers group in Sensok, which is just beginning and will meet monthly from February
  • some Intervarsity staff visiting the team, soon to prepare for hosting a GUT team (Global Urban Trek) later in the year
  • the local volunteers who have been helping with children’s activities are still coming regularly and making a wonderful contribution to the team and community

The main purpose of the call is so that we who support and pray for the team, can catch up with them a little more personally, see photos, hear stories and pray together.

The team is also actively seeking new members, and journeying with anyone interested. If Cambodia is Calling you, why not take this opportunity to connect a little with the lives of our team and their community? If Jesus is whispering in your ear about your own future, here is an opportunity to listen.

Join Us

The on-line catch-up will be hosted on Zoom at 12 noon on Thursday 27th Feb, Cambodia time.

That will be Wednesday 26th night in USA, Thursday 27th early morning in Europe, later morning in Asia, or afternoon in Australia and New Zealand. Check the time in your location here.

Anyone interested to support the team, or hear more and get to know them better, is welcome to join.

Write to Mark at events[at] and he will send you the Zoom link to join the catch-up call.

First gathering of young mothers in December – the group plans to meet monthly this year