It’s time to call into Cambodia for an update! Eunice, Myra and Carol have each spent some time “at home” in the Philippines in recent months, including at the Servants Forum in January. Now they are all back “at home” in Cambodia, settling back into their life and rhythms there.
How have all these transitions gone? What are their hopes and needs for this coming season? And what are their reflections as they approach 2 years of being team together in Cambodia? The sardine can in the photo below is a clue to one aspect of team life!
Supporters Call
Please join us to hear directly from Carol, Myra and Eunice about their lives and early steps of ministry in Phnom Penh.
Join us online on Thursday 21st March at 12 noon Cambodian time (check when that is in your time-zone).
We will see photos, listen to stories of recent travels and events, and hear hopes for the coming months. There will also be time to ask questions and pray for each team member.
Your presence is valued by the team. Don’t miss this opportunity to express your support and get a personal update!
Email Mark at events[at]servantsasia.org now, to be sent the link to join the Zoom call on 21st March