

Scott Smith’s Poem

Read during the Forum Variety Show, to a room that could not contain its laughter!


Welcome to forum, now get onto the bus.

There’s 45 seats and there’s 50 of us.

It’ll be a bit tight but you’re young and you’re healthy.

They could give us more seats but they know we aren’t wealthy.


The bus stopped just after we left city smoke.

“We’re here”, shouted the driver, it was just a cruel joke.

He’d stopped at a Burger King what could this mean?

They’re corporate villains but their bathrooms are clean.


The trip passed by quickly no screaming or fusses.

Till we turned down a lane meant for rickshaws, not buses.

But we did make the turn and then, if you please.

We arrived at this place full of coconut trees.


We thought, “Now the fun starts, and the thinking and praying”

But first, Daniel says, you gotta start paying.

And while you are paying, ‘bout those beds you had booked?

There’s other folks in ‘em the last time we looked.


No worries, there’s others and here are the keys.

But don’t get too comfy, we’ll want them back please.

So Rachel, who gave out the keys on day one.

Thought to herself, “Well, that was such fun.

I think I’ll just do it again on day three.

And maybe again for the ILC”


We got mugs, bags, and towels, this forum’s first rate.

So why are our name tags hand-written on tape?

But the first meal was served and we’re thankful to be here.

It will all go too quickly is my only fear.


The food is top drawer, haven’t seen this much meat.

Since a truck hit a buffalo in our slum down the street.

But you better not try to get in the meal Q.

Till you give ‘em that ticket they just gave to you.


There’s rhythms of prayer. For each day a chance.

To all get together, invite God to the dance.

We meet to hear news, we meet to hear preach’n.

But it seems like we just hear the microphone screach’n.


The teams in their talks shared the mundane and holy.

We could have learned more, if they’d only talked slowly.

We learned every day from Naomi, Ruth too.

Using Biblio Drama each one heard anew.


From the Word that’s still living and fresh every day.

Making space in our lives we’ll be led in God’s way.

So thanks to our leaders, they inspired us a lot.

Thanks to Lois and Bob or was it Irene and Scott?


Aside from the business and updates from teams.

There was time to just chat and share some of our dreams.

And go to some places we could see have God’s touch.

The falls were amazing! Transport, not so much.


And sports we have found present a dilemma.

How do Servants, most humble, smash a volleyball winna?

Or try to support eco values we’ve held.

When just to play chess you know forests were felled.


Did I mention the rain, no wonder its green here.

I don’t think it’s stopped one full hour since we’ve been here.

But no one’s complaining ‘cept those who might seek.

Some sun to dry clothes some time during the week.


We learned many lessons, some direct, some obtuse.

That’s what you get when God’s Spirit is loose.

God grant us your peace, and we pray we’re just that.

God grant us your words when we stop for a chat.

And as we get back on that bus, bless each one.

And forgive us for making this week so much fun.

