In Dunedin, New Zealand, a faithful Prayer Group meets in the home of Wendy and Steve Tripp who have just returned from a visit to Servants in Cambodia. Here they introduce their group…

We used to be perched above Carisbrook stadium and evenings of prayer would be somewhat interrupted by loud roars from the crowd below. Inevitably we would jump up to check what was happening on the field, (spiritual bunch we were eh?). Rugby, (for those who may not know the significance of Carisbrook). I never heard anyone in the group praying for the score, but it can’t be ruled out…

Anyway, we have now shifted out of temptations way, mostly… Wendy has been involved with Servants for some years, having worked in the Servants office when it was in Christchurch. ‘My formative years as a Christian were at Spreydon Baptist church. Mission, ministry to the urban poor and Servants were a big part of my Christian education when I was there – something for which I am very thankful.’ Steve married into Servants. Their missions philosophy suits him. In our group we have a couple of missions junkies. (I hope I get their permission to call them this publicly). I am intensely thankful for their commitment to mission and the wonderful contribution they make to our group. We meet at 7.30 pm on the first Friday of the month. Feel free to join us. Contact Wendy or Steve, ph 487 7760.

Steve Tripp