PayPal FAQs

PayPal Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How do I change how I pay for a recurring donation that I previously created?

To change your method of payment, you will need to log into Paypal by following these steps: “PayPal: How do I change the way I pay for a recurring payment, subscription, automatic billing, or installment plan?

Q2. How do I change the amount of a recurring donation?

To change your recurring donation amount just enter a new amount and choose the ‘Subscribe’ button. On the following screen, log into Paypal. Paypal will then prompt you with your old subscription amount and your new amount. Choose ‘Save’ if the change looks correct.

Q3. How do I cancel a recurring donation that I previously created?

To cancel your recurring payment, you must log into PayPal and modify your account by following these steps: “PayPal: How do I cancel a recurring payment, subscription, or automatic billing agreement I have with a merchant?

Q4. Can I set the day of the month that my recurring donation will come out of my account?

Currently, the ability to set the date for the donation does not exist. The day of the month will be the same as the day you set up the donation subscription. So, if you setup the recurring subscription donation on the 5th of September, the next donation will be the 5th of October and so on.

Q5. Is PayPal secure?

Yes. PayPal guarantees the security of their website.

Q6. Can Servants change my recurring or single donation amounts for me?

No. Please make all changes through the PayPal interface. Servants is unable to change individual PayPal accounts. To contact PayPal please visit their Contact Us website.